20 May 2023


11 mins read

Personal Medical Update

Hemorrhoids = It hurts!

Here’s an honest, open and hopefully compassionate sharing for those who have, knows of those who have or may have it in the future – Hemorrhoids (which we shall refer to as H for the remainder of this post).

I’ve just confidently recovered post 1 month of a major surgery of attending to my H. This too being my 1st ever surgery and my 1st ever hospitalization – it was not easy for me. Yet, i made it through! (3 cheers).

I have been suffering with H for awhile. I realized, no one admits they have it. Reading from articles and consultation from my doctors suggests that MANY have it! My Gen Y peers are more open to share once I begin to share, but those from my father’s gen who has had more than 1 such H surgeries completely shy away from sharing. They merely snicker about giving their own expert opinions, but never admit until probed! (no pun intended)

How did I get H?

Where was I? Yeah, I have been persisting with it for awhile. I first thought it was associated with constipation from perhaps prolonged lack of fibre – vegetables, fruits and more water or over consumption of – fried, greasy, spicy, sugary, high carb and all things bad for your health. But even when I dialed back and restructure my lifestyle, it persisted and even  began to manifest into something else. Something more sinister.

Here’s a simple lay man term paraphrased from my doctors of how H happens. Regardless of your diet (however good or damaging) the connection point between the tail end of your body’s sewer to the part where it connects to your waste management outlet – is not strong. Not well glued together. They’re just not sealed well enough. So because they don’t hold up, prolonged daily use of that connective passage makes it give way. So when it does, its material gets eroded and pushed out. When that happens too, it causes friction with the waste that’s coming through with the point of connection. That’s how it also discharges – blood. While H could be self inflicted, what I have learned from my doctors is that some are hereditary. As with my case. My grandfather had it, my father and his brothers had it too. Not the kind of inheritance I want to keep passing down!

How did I treat H?

Like many others, I have used over the counter pharmaceutical products and progressively combined it with less chemical based solutions all along with coping methods like pushing back the material in (just incase for some who still don’t get it – the anal/rectal wall which then becomes Hemorrhoids) and minimal to major diet-lifestyle adjustments.

From what I’ve read previously about long to medium term treatment of H, it seemed unconvincing to me because most patients claim they reoccur. H comes back! These treatments by the way, are surgical treatments. Which hurts like mad! Their post surgery and healing process also hurts excruciatingly mad! And to have it come back and possibly go through the same surgical processes again – you must be somewhat mad too!

Until I was completely convinced that this newer technology of surgical method had the convincingly highest percentage of non recurrence (above 40%. In fact close to 95%), was when I entertained the thought. Which was only like in 2023 (I had my surgery on 20th April 2023).

How did H treat me?

During this entire time, I managed H (Or rather it managed me). It completely took over my life. Literally. I had to plan my days around when I would pass motion and what activities followed. Cause I needed to stop the bleeding, rest my body and ensure that my H would not come back out. I could not play any sports let alone go for my walks and jogs. I limited what kind of food I ate that I recognized were triggers to inflammation (a whole other medical issue). I undertook a major lifestyle-diet restructuring that gradually took almost a year (2022) to better manage my overall health. But more so for H. But it reached a point where my H reached its threshold and no form of management could override it. The post passing motion pain was intense, unbearable and the bleeding persisted (I naturally can’t stand the sight of blood). I must credit my wife and son, who had to themselves reorientate their daily routine to accommodate my condition.  I too had a few close friends I shared with that also graciously journeyed along with me. It was trauma both physical and emotional I had to go through.

What’s so good about Good Friday?

So finally on Good Friday, 7th Apr 2023, I felt I had enough with it. I sensed God saying “Now” and the timing for everything to happen was perfect! I scheduled 2 consultation sessions on Good Friday, from recommended doctors and hospitals I had researched on. Beacon Hospital Petaling Jaya – Dr Shawn Chong and Columbia Asia Petaling Jaya – Dr Khairul. Both gave similar prognosis and remedial advice. It came down to which of them and their facility I felt most comfortable to proceed with.

The earliest and most suitable of timing was in 2 weeks time. It coincided with the Hari Raya weekend and my company’s additional days of closure for the majority of staff that would be on leave. Plus if it was needed, there were the additional public holidays of Labour and Wesak Day the following week (which I eventually took to extend my MC for a 2nd week of home bound recovery). So, by that same afternoon after both consultations, I made my decision to go in 2 weeks from then with Dr Shawn of Beacon.

Because of the back and forth of which would be the official days of the Hari Raya public holidays and the generosity of the government to provide an additional public holiday, my surgery was moved 1 day ahead to the 20th of April. Even better for me. By this time, I had already zone in to deal with this once and for all!

How was H removed?

The treatment method, which is needling a laser with high heat at the roots of H would cut off blood supply to the tissue and body of the H. This method for my grade of H would have a 95% of non recurrence. The healing and recovery rate would be within 3 to 7 days long. And the pain level post surgery would be a 4 out of 10 in tandem with pregnancy pain (which most guys would have no point of reference to, unless its the same level as getting kicked in the nuts?).

Next, i began to get ready – I rallied a group of friends that I know would go down to the battle fields of prayer with me. I then began getting my physical body ready – by eating less, switching to much softer food, drinking additional amounts of water. Got my insurance ready for it, cause such a procedure – pre, actual and post would cost approximately RM 12 – 16k! (the final cost all-in came to RM 22k)

On the eve of the operation, I had to go in for one final check up and it became even more surreal that I was going for it! Yet, the presence of God was abiding, I was fully aware but I did not lose my peace nor my joy. I thank God for my family and close friends, particularly my wife and son who were with me every step of the way.

I admitted in at 10.00am on the 20th of April 2023, and the hour long surgery went smoothly. To the credit of Dr Shawn Chong, the nurses, anaesthesiologist (ofcourse I was on G.A) and the entire management of how the hospital is run – I had a pleasant experience.

The results – I got bumped up to a 98% non recurrence of never having H! Only because, what I had was far more complex than expected. H has a grading from 1 to 4. Cascading up in severity. Upon being worked on, what was formerly a 3 was indeed a 4! Hence, Dr Shawn used a hybrid method of both laser and conventional (energy cutting – a sort of scissors with high heat that would staple the wound as it cuts so no stitching or stapling required. I know right, MAJOR ouch!). Because of that, the intensity of post surgery pain shot up from a proposed 4, to a non exaggerated 8! The healing and recovery process would now take additional days. But I responded with gratefulness that my doctor filled with all the wisdom and care downloaded from all those who were praying and his expertise, did what was in my best long term interest.

How I recovered from H?

By the 3rd day post operation, I could sleep a little better, walk and resume other forms of routine with slightly better mobility. That with a barrage of medication, primarily pain killers! Passing motion still hurt up to day 9, each time after, the pain would shoot up to 10! I needed to lay down to cool off the pain. Not to mention, gaining control over my bowels. Cause I could just go without any moments notice! I increased my Sitz-Bath (warm water with salt in a basin you sat in) from once to as many in a day whenever I could. I moved from very soft liquid based food to more solids by the 3rd to 6th day. Alongside my medicines, I took in some supplements to boost my body’s immunity. Recovery was well underway. Thank God!

My first week were spent mostly laying down, controlled steps to and from one part of the house to another. And as I began to feel confident of my daily recovery, I then began to restore independence to myself. Doing light house chores, driving nearby and building upon that day by day to my regular routine.

After my first and second post operation follow up with Dr Shawn, I was given the confidence that I am restored. That was one of the Word of knowledge my mentors released to me – restoration. Tell me about it! Praise God! I went back to office at the 3rd week, there was no more pain from the wound, I only had to allow the minor exterior swelling to keep going down until they disappear within the 1st to 3rd month post operation. A major win, was when I could pass motion for the first time outside of home since a long while. It may sound so trivial to most of us. But not for me. For a very long time, I didn’t had that luxury because of how I needed to cope with what would happen after. So I had a ‘throne room’ (toilet) celebration to say the least!

Life after H?

The most compassionate thing I can do now – is to better care for my body. My entire lifestyle. Yet, no longer being restricted as well. I am still on the path towards complete restoration – of the exterior swelling and resuming more physical activities. If any of us or our loved ones has undergone a negative life impacting issue in their life, it leaves them with the scar of trauma. That honestly will be something I will by the grace and power of God, be healed from in days to come too. But till then, this one month has indeed been life changing for me. Physically, emotionally and spiritually. I am ready for my new wine skin and the new wine the Lord will gift to me. That and more in the next post!

If you would like to ask me more on what I have just shared, feel free to contact me from your direct access to me or from the links provided from my website. Will make time for you or your loved ones on their H journeys.


David Yong

May 2023
Image credit: unsplash.com/@anniespratt
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